:: Water World


The place to be in Fiji is in the water; it's warm, crystal clear and oh so beautiful.   I spend so much time in the water here that my whole body shrivels up like a prune. The locals here spend their whole life in or on the water.  They're so comfortable with an outboard motor it looks like an extension of their arm, reckon they must start driving when they're 5!    Yesterday afternoon I went spearfishing with our boatman Ulia.  He's a weapon with a speargun and with his 'shoot anything that moves' approach you wouldn't want to be a fish when he's around. The forecast for this week in Fiji is looking amazing.  We're going to have waves, the winds looking pretty good and there's a bunch of pro's floating around Tavy and Namotu hunting classic Fiji.  Time for me to go get back in the water! ::  Murray